Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Presley is 10 months:

Presley is 10 months old.. and i just can't get enough of her these days. she's the sweetest thing- inside and out. she has her very own personality- and it is very strong. she knows what she likes and what she doesn't.
P's top ten:

1. she loves to eat. anything. she eats table food a lot.
i still breast feed her every 2 hrs. yes people, every 2 hours!
2. she crawls and stands at everything. loves to crawl on the floor with maddex.
3. she likes to sing in her microphone- literally. she will pick it up and make the loudest noises in it.
4. she takes 3 naps a day. and still sleeps amazing at night.
5. she has 6 teeth.
6. she gets her feelings hurt very easily. and pouts.
7. she is famous for her {faces} she gives people. she's very animated.
8. she likes to blow kisses and give them to her babies.
9. she loves her babies very much. they are her favorite toy.
10. she is a momma girl.. but nothing excites her more than when daddy walks in the door from being gone all day.


Brandy said...

the cuteness is overflowinggggg. a;lskdfj. a, you're thee only one that gives me baby fever.

Kathy's Boys said...

I'm so excited to see you blogging again. I have been seriously thinking about it, but that's about it!! Keep it up, you'll be glad you did.

Shauna said...

ahhh i miss those faces. brent thinks it's so hilarious that she's so animated. she's gonna have to be to make up for her seriously pensive cousin.