Wednesday, July 6, 2011

going green? not so much...

Presley's 1st day in cloth diapers... what? i know what you are thinking? that i've completely lost it.. or maybe you're wondering is she a tree hugger? are they poor? that is just gross. ewww... who would want to do that? lol. it's ok if you are thinking any of those things... because i have once thought all the same things before. 1st off- yes, it is gross, I am not a fan of washing them out... but there is no way around that. It does save $$ and P. has liked them (i use the hemp organic liners- p's never had a rash) What made me decided to go cloth? Well, I decided to check into it and liked what I was reading so I got all the stuff to start. I thought you never know until you try. I have to admit though- I haven't used them as much as I said I was going to. I only use them when I am home- when I am on the go I use regular diapers. It is hard to tell how much longer I will use them- because it seems like I am always on the go. I have loved gDiapers... I think they are great. I mean come on- who else has on a hot pink diaper at the park?
i love the photo on the bottom right - maddex running a truck
into presleys head. typical


Joe and Melody said...'ve given me something all new to think about! I was raised on cloth diapers but never really thought about what I would do with my own kids. I just looked up the website and I'm totally digging gDiapers. Great colors!