Wednesday, July 6, 2011


tanner's emergency surgery.
tanner took maddex to see kung fu panda. during the movie he started to have stomach pain. maddex wasn't that into the movie so they headed home. when he walked in he said he thought he might be getting sick. he went and laid down- and then i went to bed also. he woke me up around 1am and asked me to call my mom (she's a nurse). i should have known then... tanner never complains about anything so he was really sick.
me: "but she's still sleeping... i'll call her in the morning.."
i warmed him up my rice pack to put on his stomach (last thing we ever should have done.. who knew?) i got the ipad and laid in bed to see what could be making him so sick. i fell back asleep and he continued to be so sick. he then woke me back up at 5:30 in a lot of pain. another time i should have known he was extremely sick. i went to the store to get medicine and gatorade. i called my dad.. and he said go to the hospital. uh, duh? why didn't i think of that.
i went home and told tanner and he didn't fight me... hmmm. that is weird. so we went and on our way there- he was like, "this is stupid, i shouldn't be going". well, it is long so i'm gonna cut it off short... tanner had appendicitis. we went to the er around 8am and tanner went in for emergency surgery around 12pm. the dr. said he was able to get it out before it has ruptured. thank goodness. i was biting my nails... because this was all on a tuesday and we were getting ready to fly back east for summer vacation on thursday. the dr. knew of our trip and said it was up to tanner if he thought he could handle the trip. he was a good sport and sucked it up so we could all go. (thanks babe, love you). tanner was sore and in some pain at the beginning of the trip but it got better as time went on.
photo taken: June 1st, 2011


Loralee and the gang... said...

So Sorry that he had to go through all that! And I am glad that he bounced right back.